Effective visual merchandising involves creating an incredibly engaging experience for your customers. Whether this involves creating attractive interactive display racks for your retail stores or incorporating Instagrammable vignettes into your showcases, try these creative examples to increase your bottom line and ultimate customer satisfaction.

Tell a Story

Avoid the banal traditional retail ways. Don’t just group shoes, perfume, or organic baked goods together and call it a day. Instead, opt to create an inviting story with your merchandise. For example, add bold photographs to your display racks for your retails stores of happy exciting adventurers using your merchandise.

Group like items, like designer sunglasses, hiking gear, and a high-end camera with exciting adventure photos from the Amazon. During the wedding season, combine beautiful floral arrangements with your gourmet selection of goods or glamorous makeup options. Find ways to tell a story about your products.

Create a Focal Point

Draw the customer’s eye to your merchandise. Create a focal point for key items to help direct their shopping. Make the display a central part of your visual merchandising design. Extra help like signage and a smart store layout can help customers move in a circular pattern around a specific display. Help them find out what they need from your store by planning out the focal point.

Custom Lighting

Take advantage of customized lighting in your stores. Whether you add lighting to glass display cases, have runner lights, overhead lights, or a unique color scheme, create a specific ambiance that says something about you and your store. Highlight the focal point with bright directional lights. Create a mood with a soft ambiance. Set the mood with lighting.

Music and Smell

Believe it or not, your customer’s experience involves more than what they see. Incorporate other senses like sound and smell in your store. Find the right tempo and volume. Do you need your shoppers to lounge and linger in your store? Then opt for something comforting and soothing. Want a sharp modern pace? Select a contemporary playlist with quick beats. Your sounds should also reflect the age demographic of your clientele. Add smell carefully with candles. Avoid any toxic chemicals. However, some stores, like an organic bakery, will benefit from the delicious smell of fresh bread baking. Try out different options.

Contact the Design Experts at Store Fixtures Toronto

Looking for the perfect modern look and displays for your store? Contact the design experts at Store Fixtures Toronto. Our friendly staff will help you find the perfect layout and displays for your retail store. We pride ourselves on superior craftsmanship and excellent customer service. Call us today.