Luxury retail stores carry high-end brands for distinguished clientele. Innovation creates a striking atmosphere. Design your store with the latest store display fixtures in mind. Give your customers a lifestyle experience.

Natural is Warm Elegance

Embrace your customers with a feeling of calm nature. Light wood surfaces, organic curves, and store display fixtures made with natural materials create a feeling of refuge. Combine stonework, water features, and clean hardwood floors. Keep the lines simple, the store fixtures pristine and symmetrical. Make your luxury store a haven from the bustle of daily life.

Technology and Innovation

Cutting edge innovation, design, and architecture are key components of luxury. Combine in-store technology with high-end design to create exciting shareable shopping experiences. Include live feeds to relevant content. Provide a special photographable moment for customers. Create something unique. Incorporate beautiful custom lighting and touchable tactile surfaces that interact with the environment. For example, touch-sensitive flooring that triggers lighting or music. Or touchpads that help a customer envision themselves wearing your clothing lines.


While Maximalist styles have taken over the home markets, customers still prefer their luxury retailers to maintain a clean Minimalist look. Clean pristine design, hardwood floors, and sleek metal all help create a positive experience for the customer. Add a combination of unique glass displays, concrete, floating shelves, and monochromatic décor. Keep your products the prime focus of your store. Make shopping easy on the eyes. Navigate the customer through your store naturally through innovative design.

Branding Aesthetics

Your store should reflect your brand. Give your clients a taste of your brand’s essence through a meaningful purchasing experience. Be unique. Be bold. Embrace all that makes your brand stand out from competitors. Add features like an art gallery, interactive technology, café, or larger-than-life photographs displaying your products.

Store Fixtures Toronto is the premier retail designer of custom store displays and innovative store fixtures. Speak with our experienced staff today about how we can help you. Contact us.