The overall look of your retail store should be inviting and offer your customers a unique experience. Avoid simply placing items on a shelf. Think about creating an engaging atmosphere for each person that enters your retail space. Explore a variety of display options like a portable display stand, glass display cases, or technology. Optimize your overall traffic flow with the strategic placing of display cases.

Your Store Layout

When a customer enters your store, do you help guide them through the store through strategic traffic flow? Or do they walk in and seem lost? Using a portable display stand system gives you much more flexibility to maximize your space.

Look out for key problems in your traffic flow:

  • Narrow aisles
  • Cramped spaces
  • Customers can’t browse easily
  • Bottleneck areas
  • High-traffic
  • Customers missing key merchandise
  • Crowded products
  • Customers bump into each other
  • Traffic jams

Ideally, you want your customers to enter your store and natural flow to the right. They should circle around your store and find engaging displays. Customers should have ample space to browse and shop comfortably. Aisles should be wide enough for customers to move around comfortably. Don’t forget guests that may have a stroller or wheelchair, or stressed moms with small children.

The layout should end at the register. If you find that people visiting your store have anxiety, get backed up, or miss displays entirely, revamp your design. By keeping displays portable, you have the option to change your store layout quickly and efficiently. In the end, you want individuals entering your store to enjoy comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience.

Contact Store Fixtures Toronto

Looking to revamp your overall traffic flow with quality display cases and custom store fixtures? Call the professionals at Store Fixtures Toronto. Our friendly staff will be happy to answer all of your questions. We have an incredible established team of professionals that will help you develop an effective store fixture design plan for your retail space. Our designers will work with you to find the ideal layout and displays. Contact us today to talk about your vision and goals.