Make the most of your merchandise with attractive visual merchandising and glass. A glass case offers you a wide array of options to truly showcase your products. Whether you need a small display cabinet or an impressive modern one that goes wall-to-wall, discover how you can use a glass cabinet to truly maximize customer experience and profits.

Motivate the Customer

When your customers enter your retail space, give them a unique experience they will remember. Because so many retailers have to compete with the convenience of online stores, creating a space that customers love will keep them buying. For example, use a small display cabinet in glass with attractive colorful lighting to help jewelry and small items stand out. The glass allows the customer to see the merchandise from all angles. They can truly experience the product, see its beauty, and use.

A large glass display can hold multiple versions of the same item, a large specialty item, or even an attractive décor and photograph combination that stimulates the visitor. Generate interest with these ideas:

  • Incorporate video technology with glass cabinetry to create a truly interactive experience
  • Group popular items together to tell a story (ex. Designer sunglasses, a beach hat, and black and white photographs)
  • Display a large number of small items in a colorful and attractive way
  • Incorporate specially customized lighting schemes to maximize appeal
  • Use scent and music to create an interesting atmosphere
  • A glass display can showcase a high-end item in a safe and engaging way
  • Gourmet food retailers find glass displays ideal for showing today’s delicious treats
  • Seasonal displays with this month’s top trends
  • Create a point of interest by guiding the customer through strategically places display cases
  • Whimsical signage and photographs make a fun experience
  • Color can be powerful when you display your merchandise
  • Create an atmosphere with strategic lighting schemes
  • Use visuals, scents, displays, and lights to create a specific atmosphere

Make the Most of Your Space

Partner with the experts at Store Fixtures Toronto to maximize your space and visual merchandising. When you need to increase your bottom line, we can help you find the perfect display options to create a truly unique shopping experience. Schedule your first consultation today. Our friendly knowledgeable staff will be happy to help you. Contact us now.