You want a store display Toronto businesses will be jealous of.  Whether it be a retail store, a front-end office, or a restaurant, you want to “wow” people who first enter the office. One such example that you can use to improve sales is a pedestal display.

But how much does a pedestal display improve sales? Point-of-Purchase displays increase sales by almost 65% in the right location. You can place a pedestal display at a sale point, meaning that this statistic fits the category. 

While it seems that location is essential, the kind of display can be crucial. In the rest of this article, we will be reviewing the ways a pedestal display improves sales.

6 Ways A Pedestal Display Can Improve Sales in Stores

#1: A Good Pedestal Display is Made With Its Audience In Mind

Whether it be elegant, simple, or a bit extravagant, a pedestal display knows its audience. With all the market research your company has done, you should know what they like to see.

Pedestal displays can be simple. These displays can be a simple one-color platform rising from the ground. They can be elegant with a decorative blanket over them, complementing the color scheme. Build your pedestal with your audience in mind.

#2: Good Visual Merchandising Keeps Color and Shape In Mind

Lime green and tomato soup-colored pedestal doesn’t typically work. Instead, most people enjoy soft colors that are easy on the eyes. A display shouldn’t hurt the eyes. Instead, it should complement the room about it. Below are some complimentary colors:

  • Red complements green
  • Yellow complements purple
  • Blue compliments orange

#3: Brick and Mortar Stores Need Good Lighting

Your room should not be overwhelming or underwhelming when it comes to light. Pedestal displays are no different, as the right lighting can make a product look amazing.

If pointing towards the customers, stick to soft light. If pointing away, you can use harder lights. Be careful not to overdo the contrast unless you want your product to look intense.

#4: Study What Other Retail Stores are Doing

The great ones look at other in-store displays and ask themselves how they can improve upon them. This does not imply you should duplicate their work. Still, it would be best if you asked how you can do better.

If your displays are already more dynamic, you may want to look online for comparison. Check out our gallery for a few examples of great in-store displays.

#5 Combine Different Types of Displays For A Unique Experience

There are many different types of displays available. As a store owner, you should consider how to combine them for the best effect.

For example, a line of pedestal displays by themselves would look dull. But, imagine combining it with shelf displays, window displays, and glass showcases. In that case, you will have a dynamic view that will be appealing to many preferences.


By using the correct display in high-traffic areas, you will be able to see more sales. Retail sales fluctuate depending on the product’s quality. So having your products look good is very important.

So if you are looking for a dynamic store display, Toronto businesses have the right to be picky. Be sure you choose someone you can trust to create a beautiful experience.