The right kind of retail display can be a significant difference-maker. Beautifully displaying your product can be the difference between a sale or a fail. The right type of display shelves changes heavily upon your needs, but what are the best overall display types for your store?

Our list includes the following:

  • Fixed-Bracket shelving
  • Freestanding shelves
  • Window displays
  • Gondola displays
  • Floating shelves

This list of shelves is in no particular order. Below, let’s dig into why we selected these five shelves.

#1: Fixed-Bracket Shelving

In modern display boutiques, fixed-bracket shelves are a minimalist design. Those paying attention to design trends understand the importance of minimalism. Racks which are too busy are typically ugly and unappealing.

Those who have a small number of designer items will benefit from this design choice. The lack of busyness will help the thing stick out easily.

#2: Freestanding Shelves

Freestanding shelves allow you to take advantage of the potential white space in the middle of a room. As potential buyers pass by this display, they have free will to scan collections from any angle. The freedom appeals to customers, mostly if these freestanding shelves are isolated.

The “island in the ocean” approach is not an option for those who have a large inventory. Still, freestanding shelves are great for varying levels of stock. Just be sure you have enough walking room!

#3: Window Displays

When walking down the street, window displays provide a unique opportunity to attract browsers. The artistic potential of the window display sets the tone for your entire store. As one of the most critical aspects of your storefront, you need to have a beautiful presentation.

Experts say that 56% of people prefer buying in-store. A good window display ensures that people will come in-store.

#4: Gondola Displays

Gondola displays are a unique way to take advantage of the white space in the middle of your store. As a busier style of display, one has to be careful with their placement. With a skillful hand, gondola displays are a clean experience that attracts the attention of customers.

Personal care products and beauty products are great for gondola displays. They are typically made of metal, giving them a great deal of longevity.

#5: Floating Shelves

When walking down any standard retail storefront, you’ll almost always come across floating shelves. Large stock counts benefit from this display. It is up to the products to stand out among the product line with unique design elements.

The benefit of floating shelves comes from the way you position your product line. Products that you want to sell first should be easily-reachable and at eye-level. Anything too far out of reach is less likely to be noticed unless they have an eye-catching design.

Final Thoughts

The right kind of high-quality shelving is vital to attract sales. Conversion of browsing shoppers can be accomplished with the right shelves, as most people prefer to see and “feel” the item before buying. Make sure you choose the right company that can fit you with high-quality shelving.