Planning your retail store layout includes both science and artistic creativity. Whether you incorporate gorgeous custom millwork design, glass store fixtures, or eclectic displays with bright bold lighting, you need the right design to excite customers and expand your bottom line.

Step 1: Find the Right Floor Plan for Your Merchandise

This might be simple, but the floor plan controls the overall flow and traffic of your store. When your customer comes in, what will be the first thing that they see? Will they be awed by your merchandise elegantly displayed by intricate millwork design? How will they walk through your store? Will you have aisles of merchandise, displays, or interactive experiences enhanced by technology?

Consider the following when choosing a floor design:

  • Size of the store
  • Product type
  • Target market
  • Customer shopping habits
  • Self-service vs. salespeople

You can choose from a straight floor plan, angular floor plan, loop floor plan, geometric floor plan, and free flow floor plan. Free flow floor plans allow for more creativity and have been the hottest trend in large and small retail stores this year.

Step 2: Choose Counterclockwise or Clockwise

Believe it or not, retailers debate on whether customers should move clockwise or counter-clockwise in their stores. Some research suggests that choosing the direction that matches driving patterns in that region best reflect natural movement patterns of shoppers. For example, in the United States, shoppers move clockwise. Place new arrivals at the start of the pattern.

Step 3: Display Your Merchandise

You want to showcase your merchandise in an enticing and engaging way. In general, larger retailers and supermarket types of stores benefit from having as much stock displayed as possible. Smaller boutique types of shops benefit from less merchandise in more memorable custom display cases. No matter how much you decide to display, always have space between products and fixtures to avoid a crowded claustrophobic experience. Update merchandise regularly. And always cross-merchandise.

Contact us today about creating the best design and displays for your retail space. Our experienced designers can guide you through the process of creating an attractive and enticing space for your customers. Call us.