If you are a jewelry store owner, it can be easy to get paranoid over potential thieves. At any point, someone could try the “smash and grab” tactic to steal contents from your store. It can be done in under sixty seconds to someone who unwittingly looks away. So, how do you ensure these jewelry display cases are secure?

For the “smash and grab” types, you need to invest in a case that has some form of reinforced glass. For the overnight burglars, remove the jewelry from your display cases to put them in a safe. Do not cover your display cases, as that may cause hungry burglars to assume something outstanding is underneath.

In the rest of this article, we will go through a few glass options you can consider for your jewelry cases. We will also discuss some other options to deter would-be burglars.

Three Different Types of Reinforced Glass for Jewelry Display Cases

There are a few options you have when selecting the right kind of glass:

  • Annealed
  • Laminated
  • Tempered

Here the significant differences between these different glass types:

Annealed Glass

Annealed glass is a high-quality custom option with a unique defense mechanism: it’s easy to break. You might think that’s counter-intuitive, but the glass breaks into large fragments.

For someone driving their elbow through this glass, the glass hampers their escape with an injury. It’s a lot more difficult to run from the police when bleeding.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glass contains an extra layer of plastic to reinforce the glass. If you’ve ever seen a crack in a car windshield, the windshield is more likely to come off in one entire chunk (rather than shatter). If you are worried about glass everywhere, this is your best bet.

The plastic also dampens the noise a bit, which is better if you fear a glass-based accident occurring.

Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is known to be much stronger than any other form of glass. For jewelry shops with a glass storefront, this glass type is often at the windows and doors. You can also install them in your display cases.

Tempered glass is a bit weaker at the edges. For thoughtful thieves that recognize this, they can direct their strikes to those corners. But by that time, they’ve already drawn a lot of attention to themselves.

Other Methods to Deter Thieves from Jewelry Display Cases

Glass by itself isn’t a significant deterrent to thieves. Here are some extra tips you can keep in mind to keep thieves away:

  • Invest in a security system with both cameras and a noise alarm. Make sure the cameras are noticeable but hard to reach.
  • Invest in motion-sensing lights that respond with people approaching.
  • Display a security sticker on the glass out front of your door.
  • Invest in a roll-down security gate.

Final Thoughts

As thieves continue to express their boldness with questionable moves, jewelry display cases will continue to be a consistent target. To ensure your display cases have a solid combination style and security, consider a custom display case from Berton Woodworking. Through vigilance and the proper security selections, your stock can remain safe.