As 2021 comes to a close, store owners must conclude that 2022 provides us with another set of challenges. Both 2020 and 2021 have shown similar challenges, but you’ve risen to the occasion. One of these challenges relates to new window display ideas for 2022. 

As the retail market grows (despite the number of people online shopping), you want to get that walking crowd by engaging them with excellent window displays. Below, we will go through a few ideas you can take home. 

Idea #1: A More Immersive Experience

You already know you need to create something engaging when it comes to good designs. To start, think of the colors and themes that your brand evokes. 

If you sell camping equipment for those going to the forest, you might find yourself appealing to people with a forest green color. Having a dirt-like backdrop might also appeal to people.

If you sell flip-flops, you might display bright blue colors and sandy beaches. With any shop displays, your job is to create something that brings people into the experience. 

Idea #2: Educate People About Your Product (and Brand)

Despite the internet mass-producing cheap items, brand loyalty is a huge deal. The Apple Store is strong evidence of this, as people are still willing to buy their smartphones despite the cost. 

Retail displays give people an opportunity to experience using the product. So see these storefront opportunities as a way to teach people about your product.

Focus on unique aspects of your product that stands out compared to the competition. You can also do the same for branding, saying 20% of your purchases go to a charitable organization. 

Your storefront designs should invoke a sense of pride and desire to make purchases. Don’t pass up on any reason not to. 

Idea #3: Use Smart Features 

A smart display is 100% interactive and engages the user through touchscreens and menu access. These design elements work incredibly well with tech products (i.e., the latest Apple Mac).

Given that people are incredibly connected to their cell phones, it makes sense to leverage that familiarity. The next time you enter a Walmart, try and spot their free sample giveaway with touchscreen features. 

However, Walmart might have overdone the idea, as it talks to people who pass by. You don’t want to do anything to ruin your visitors’ shopping experience.

Idea #4: Don’t Forget The Basics

Shop displays remind people of the latest sales and promotional things to buy. Since shoppers rely on this information for the latest updates, don’t step away from what works.

If you have a BOGO promotion, you don’t want to keep it in the dark. Always tell people about it with a big flash sign. Just keep it relatively cheap to buy. 


Despite what you might think, much of the retail process has stayed the same from year to year. The significant difference comes from applying new technology, but you still want to focus on providing shoppers compelling reasons to stick around.

For the highest quality store displays for your New Year’s resolutions, contact Store Fixtures Toronto today.