The unplanned purchase, otherwise known as impulse buying, is a consistent form of income. For those who manage retail environments, it is a consistent form of income. But what is impulse buying?

Impulse buying is when someone buys products due to something they deem out of their control. Almost 80% of shoppers participate in it, and store fixtures are one way to encourage it.

If you want to find how to store fixtures that can increase your chance of impulse purchases, we will dig into the details in this article.

Using Store Fixtures To Create a Path

The placement of store fixtures must be entirely strategic. Even if you sell a large number of items as a supermarket owner, you need to be careful where you place them.

Creating a pathway using fixtures in some stores is one way a person can tour the store to see things they might want. This is a great plan if you sell unique designs, avoid forced paths if you sell in bulk.

Larger stores need to apply this by placing commonly shopped items in the far ends of the store. Shopping for things like bread and milk is almost always needed.

Meanwhile, they pass by numerous store fixtures featuring free samples of products and other tempting buys. This increases your likelihood of making a sale, especially if those products meet a need.

The Power of Placing High-Demand Items Near Checkout

The next time you walk through a grocery store, pay attention to the location of candy. Candy and souvenir products are almost always nearby the front.

These high-demand items are located near choke points. Choke-points are areas where traffic in the stores naturally slows down. This makes these people sit next to the high-demand items, likely wanting them more as time moves on.

If you’ve had to talk your kids out of candy each time your cross by the check-out station, you know what we are talking about. While you might not like the strategy, it is still effective.

High Visibility for Premium Items Using Store Fixtures

Premium items, or those that make the most profit, should be the easiest to reach. If you pay attention to the supermarket, you know that the premium stuff is easier to grab.

Pay attention to the location of Cap’n Crunch next time you shop around. You’ll notice that it’s right at arm’s length for the average-sized person. Meanwhile, the knockoff (Corporal Crunchy or Something) is located at the bottom of the aisle.

If you have particularly premium items, you might grab an individual display case for that item specifically. The more money and potential sales you can get, the more you’ll want to make it easy to grab.

Wrap Up – How Store Fixtures Can Increase Impulse Buying

Store fixtures increase impulse buying potential through the following means:

  • Creating natural paths through the store
  • Showcasing premium items
  • Placing high-demand items near choke-points

If you want to find the right store fixtures to take advantage of all three, contact our team at Store Fixtures Toronto to take care of your needs.