Your merchandise display attracts and entices the public to purchase your wares. Whether you choose elegant custom store displays, discount retail store supplies, or a more contemporary look for your visual merchandising, having a fresh clean look that engages customers is key. Related merchandise display design is one of the hottest visual merchandising trends for 2019.

What is Related Merchandise Display?

Unlike other types of displays, like displaying a single item or organizing a line of skirts together, related merchandise display involves pairing different types of items that “go together”, usually around a theme. For example, a store display can showcase beach-related items: sunglasses, photos of models in swimsuits and hats having fun at the beach, colorful sarongs, shell jewelry, and a barbecue grill with accessories. This is just one easy example of pairing differing items together.

Ideas for Related Merchandise Displays

What types of ideas work well together? Don’t force items together that don’t make sense. For example, trying to sell hot dog condiments, children’s toys, and yoga balls would take some imagination. However, you can combine items in logical ways that enhance your customer’s experience and encourages them to purchase multiple items. Here are some interesting display ideas for your business. Adapt these ideas to your products and services.


Pair different items that match the upcoming or current season: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. For example, create a beautiful spring display with colorful pastels, clothing, and accessories that have floral designs and prints, and gardening items. Use a combination of custom shelving, bookcases, and displays to maximize storage space and add impact to your products.


Some holidays lend themselves to easy displays. An engaging Christmas display can showcase red and green holiday items, holiday music, and have a “free cocoa” stand for customers. Add scented candles in pine, peppermint, and gingerbread for an additional engaging experience for the senses. Don’t forget to add custom lighting for extra winter sparkling wonderment.

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Group together items from the same country or region. For example, set up a Caribbean display with items from Jamaica, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Include handmade items, local foods, poster-size photos of tourists enjoying the sun, and furniture and store displays made of natural materials.

Related merchandise display engages your customer in a unique way. Give them an interesting experience when they visit your retail space. Speak with our designers about how you can create the perfect customer experience through innovative store display.